Making It Through Pain and Suffering

Pain: physical suffering or discomfort caused by illness or injury

Suffering: the state of undergoing pain, distress or hardship

We have all asked the question Why? Why do bad things happen?

Moving beyond the whys...

I don't understand pain but I do know that pain keeps me closer to God.

Pain makes me thankful for the little things of life.
Pain makes me appreciate the days with less pain.
Pain makes me Intentional on how I spend my energy on better days.
Pain makes me a planner and a goal setter.
Pain makes me more compassionate for others who are suffering.
Pain creates empathy for those around me.
Pain promotes personal growth.
Pain creates spiritual growth.
Pain leads to the desire of finding purpose in life.
Pain produces endurance.
Pain makes hope for a better future.
Pain gives a longing for heaven where there will be no more pain, suffering or tears.
Pain creates an atmosphere where God can send miracles.
Pain softens our heart for God to work through us.
Pain creates an opportunity for God to give us a bigger Testimony.

If we let it.

What are we going to do with the pain and suffering? Our attitude is the one thing that no one can take away of us. We have the choice to try to tackle life in our own strength or we can turn to the Lord to help us through the pain and suffering.

We read in Romans 5:3-5:

I have grown the most in my spiritual walk in pain and suffering. I have learned the most from the Lord in pain and suffering. I have seen the Lord work the most in the midst of pain and suffering. My Testimony has grown leaps and bounds in the midst of pain and suffering. I have personally first handed experienced the character of God in the midst of pain and suffering. His faithfulness. His love. His peace. His guidance. His provision.

I ask the Lord to use this time to reveal Himself to you, His character and bring peace and comfort to you.

May we hold on to the hope of heaven and remind ourselves that this pain and suffering is not permanent. 

Have you found this to be true in your life? When have you grown the most in your life?  Please share your experience, I would love to hear them. 

Love and Prayers❤

Pain. (2017) Dictionary.  Retrieved from Google. 
Suffering. (2017) Dictionary. Retrieved from Google. 
Romans 5:3-5. New American Standard Bible.
Revelation 21:4 NIV.
