Making It Through

Hello and welcome to my first blog post!

I have a deep desire to make it through this life with faith, hope and love. To not let life happen to me but to rise above the hard places and be a light to those around me. To persevere. To survive a not ideal situation. To be an over comer.  To be encouraged to take on each new day with thankfulness, to find joy in the little things and extend encouragement to others.

Making It Through

I don't remember exactly when this phrase came into my life but it has been in my heart for a while. These words have helped me deal with pain and suffering these past 10 years. These words have been my hearts catch phrase. I love it and it brings me hope.  Hope that we are going to make it through whatever life may bring our way.

We are all in this life together. We all have an opportunity to help each other, extend a hand, a prayer, an encouraging word, and kindness to one another. This brings a joy that no one can take away!

I am thankful for what the Lord has put in my heart and I look forward to using this space to share and bring encouragement to others. Life is hard and we need each other to make it through life. You may be going through something that no one knows about or everyone knows all about it.  I encourage you to say a prayer, reach out to a friend or loved one and most importantly to never give up!

Love and prayers❤


  1. Love it, I look forward to reading more about your journey.

    1. Thank you for taking the time to read it! I'm looking forward to sharing more!

  2. So excited for you (and this) Amber Dawn!!! :) Congrats on your blog and love you! ♥ kathy


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