Great American Solar Eclipse 2017
August 21, 2017
Total Solar Eclipse
What an experience!
God's Creation points to Him. How amazing!
Watching the Moon gradually cover the sun was pretty cool however watching the Totality was phenomenal! I was not prepared for what my eyes beheld.
I was not prepared for the emotion that swelled up within me. I think if someone would have prodded me I would have broke into happy tears.
A glimpse of Heaven. A glimpse of God's glory. A glimpse of what's to come. A glimpse of what is waiting for us. A glimpse of Him!
I felt so bummed right after the totality of the eclipse. Minutes earlier I was on my feet saying "Oh my gosh" over and over. It took me the rest of the afternoon to process what I was feeling.
The Totality was too short. I needed more. I wanted more. Staring up towards the Heavens.
The wonder was happening all around us. The amazing show above and all around! Trying to take it all in. The change in brightness. The change in temperature. The light!
My conclusion: This experience made me lonesome for more of God. A longing for even more of the LORD. I am longing for the hope of heaven and to see the Lord and all His glory.
What was your reaction? Please comment your experience below.
I am thankful we were able to be in the line of totality and it was a clear day here in Oregon. This was definitely an experience I will never forget!
2. Psalm 8:3 New American Standard Bible
3. Genesis 1:14-16 New American Standard Bible
4. Psalm 136: 7-9 New American Standard Bible
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