Making It Through Today.
1. (of a person) in a particular place.
2. existing or occurring now.
1. the period of time now occurring.
I have heard that living in the past can cause depression and living in the future can cause anxiety. After meditating on this I have found this to be true in my own life. I have dealt with depression in high school and I currently deal with some anxiety simply because I never how I am going to be feeling when I wake up in the morning. This makes it difficult in scheduling appointments or planning time with family and friends. Have you ever thought about this? Has this been true in your life? The good news is if we choose to live in the present we can find joy and peace in the moments that are right before us.
My thought process likes to live in the future. I got the "To Do List" and the "Goal List" but I think I have been missing out on more of the joy moments along the way. I have always struggled with a sense of feeling rushed to get things done. What am I rushing around for? I have been missing out on the small things of life. The little things that if we don't take the time to pay attention to we might miss out on. And who wants to always live with a rushed, worried and anxious mind? Not me, that is no fun.
On bad flare days, to be honest I want to be anywhere else but in the present moment. I want to rewind or fast forward to better days. I want the pain and suffering to go away and to have energy to be able to walk and get out of bed. I want the brain fog to be lifted so I can think straight and have mental energy to process things. I want the misery to subside.
At the same time, living with a Chronic Illness has also forced me to slow down. I have learned so much from having to sit down or in most cases lay down. For the longest time I have felt guilty or that I am living in this wasted space of not being able to do anything productive on bad days.
I have learned to try to just go with it. Relax, try to sleep, take advantage of the down time. Take advantage of the time to pray, think, reflect and take in the beauty around me. To seek out the little joys that are in my life. (I still struggle with this but being aware of this has helped so much.)
I love this quote!
I am sure you can relate to this quote especially when we are young. Such thoughts as: "I can't wait to be out of school", "I can't wait for this internship to end", "I can't wait to be promoted to a higher position", "I can't wait until I am older", "I can't wait until I have kids", "I can't wait until the kids are grown up", "I can't wait to be able to retire", etc. etc. This mindset can be applied to your work, career, your relationship status, health, wanting children/grandchildren in the future, not being satisfied where you are at in life, feeling stuck... Living for the future. Thinking we will enjoy life more once we have such and such.
It is awesome to have goals and be aware of the future but it is also important to enjoy the moments along the journey to where we want to be. I think this is the heart of "being present". We need to learn to be aware of contentment in the here and now.
Are you enjoying the journey? Are you taking in the gifts that are around us every single moment of every single day?
How to Live in the Present Moment:
1. Take a deep breath and take in your surroundings. Nature, kids laughing, the clock ticking, the aroma of your favorite candle, the sunlight, a smile, your favorite song on the radio, a beautiful flower,the coffee or tea in your cup, the delicious food on your plate, etc... (Focus on your 5 Senses and what brings your heart joy.)
(I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. Philippians 4:11)
2. Relax and let it go.If something is out of your control and preventing you from enjoying the right now, put it in God's hands, trust Him and let it go.
("Trust in the Lord at all times" Psalm 63:8)
3. If needed deal with your past. Is there someone you need to forgive? Forgiveness frees us to enjoy the present.
(Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:32)
4. Don't worry be happy- Worry robs of today's joys. Tomorrow will have enough troubles of its own so you might as well enjoy the here and now.
(Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. Matthew 6:31-34)
5. Slow down. Are you constantly in a rush? Try giving yourself extra time before you need to be where you need to be. Take some time to be out in nature, in a coffee shop in a book store, on a blanket in a park, etc. and just BE.
(Be still, and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10)
5. Enjoy where you are today! One way to do this is by practicing gratitude. What are you thankful for today? Our thankful list can bring contentment into our lives.
("be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:18)
6. Limit Multi tasking. Enjoy and put all your energy into one task. Be Fully`present in one activity at a time.
(Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, Luke 10:41)
What are ways that help you stay in the present moment?
This phrase has been on my mind the past couple of days:
As Paul said in Philippians 4:11, I too want to be a person who has "learned to be content whatever the circumstances." I want to enjoy all the moments. We can do this simply because we are trusting God to see us through the day, see us through the circumstances, see us through the unexpected. See us through:
"the period of time now occurring"
When we do this, we are free to take in the day, take in all the joys and blessings that the day may bring because we know that God will see us through the day. This also softens the tough days because we know God is right there with us in those days too. And in addition to that, we can take advantage of opportunities to be a blessing to others because we know God is taking care of our concerns and worries.
This brings such joy to my heart! What about you? Are you finding contentment and ways to make it through today and live in the present moment?
If you are struggling with this, I encourage you to reach out to a trusted friend, loved one or a doctor. Please know that you are not alone in your thoughts of depression and/or anxiety. I have been there and truly understand. I have found healing in both. There is always hope in the Lord for each day and every moment!
Love and Prayers ❤
But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” Ephesians 3:13a
Google. "Present". June 19, 2018,
Bible Gateway:
Philippians 4:11
Psalm 63:8
Ephesians 4:32
Matthew 6:31-34
Psalm 46:10
Thessalonians 5:18
Luke 10:41
Ephesians 3:13a
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